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ah.. greetings! :)

had a GREAT weekend.. with the exception of one hour!!! ha! i worked my first day shifts at the hospital wed, thurs, and fri. the first two days were really tough as i had a hard time falling asleep every night. how ironic is that? i got plenty of sleep when working night shifts and now my body doesn't know what to do with days! ah.. anyway.. friday was a great day, super busy, but i got a lot done and felt good about it.. until the last part of the shift when i was giving report and some nurse was a tool to me,.... ok.. we're gonna edit that part out.. little too negative! :)

i took some deep breaths on the way home from work and reminded myself that I had a great day, did a good job and was going to have a great night!

when ingrid arrived to my apt i ran down stairs to get my garage door opener so as to let her in and have her park in my extra spot. meanwhile she's driving around the neighborhood so security won't give her grief for parking in a no-parking zone. i got the opener and made it to the front door when all of the sudden, my phone stops working. yes, literally.. i try to call ingrid, with whom i'd spoken only moments earlier, and my phone says, "You've reached the roaming network, we're sorry, but your number is not registered in this area, you can press 1 to pay $.25/min." what? i do not heart sprint.. nor do i have a credit card on me with which to pay! what is that? i've made calls from the same area where i was standing.. i pay for nation-wide roaming, etc. this is crazy and has never happened to me before.

i asked security if i could possibly borrow his phone and he, in is uncomfortable, unfriendliness asked why.. ugh. ingrid still driving around waiting for me. phone still not working. instead of explaining the whole thing i just walk away with hopes of spotting ingrid's car. nope. instead i spot pretty people about to go on a date. i reluctantly ask them if i may borrow their phone and in my rushed awkwardness try to explain why. the young man hands me his mini-computer phone while is poofy-haired date rolls her eyes.. i apologize profusely, of course. while i'm trying to look up ingrid's number on my phone and dial it into the computer-phone, i drop my garage door opener (this detail important later). i think i'm actually shaking at this point! ha.. the gentleman picks it up and poofy rolls her eyes again. turns out i'm not good with computer phones so he kindly dials the number for me.

as a side note.. this young man was quite kind and generous. he reassured me that it was definitely ok and even offered to stick around for a bit in case i needed his phone again. poofy-hair.. well, of her, i'm not a big fan. i hope she's a nicer person than the impression that i got or else its a waste of a good-looking, nice guy.

luckily ingrid answered the call from the strange number and we find each other! i jump in her car and we drive back to the parking garage door to get in.. only the door isn't opening. yes, remember that little detail of the dropped opener? one little 4-foot drop and the dang thing stops working! ugh.. so we drive to another door and follow someone else in. it takes a while but we finally find my parking spot (very confusing little garage, it is). i back my car out so ingrid can park, leaving my car available on the outside to be driven.. because we had plans to meet new friends in hermosa beach (the people i met at the 56 show).

i get out of my car to help ing with her stuff and it hits me. my keys are not in my hand.. but my stupid non-working-wimpy garage door opener is. yeah.. seriously! can this night get any better? yes it can... because not only are my keys in the locked car, along with my only set of apartment keys.. my car is still running!!!!!!!

i cannot believe this is happening. i start to think something is very wrong... karma? spirits? what's going on? turns out it was probably just a lack of sleep since i'd only slept about 12 hours over the course of 3 days! oh and.. i left candles burning in my apartment! :-/ thankfully ingrid lived out her middle name by comforting me with her Grace! she stayed positive and encouraging and helped me get through my troubled evening.

the car thing turned out ok when we made friends with the non-friendly security man and a couple of guys who were also having car trouble (and who happen to be from Moline, IL, one of the quad-cities!!!!). we spent an hour or so using an old coat-hanger, a flat-head screwdriver, and flashlight to reach in and opoen the door handle. for a while we thought we might have to break the window. oy.. i dearly love this little borrowed car and would not have been able to watch that!

by this time its after 11 and our plans with hermosa friends are out the window. :( on the bright side, ingrid and i made the best of it and ended up having a wonderful time together! we grabbed some vino rojo at the grocery store (you can do that here!!!!) and ordered good ol' delivery pizza for ourselves and the hero security guys. we hung out in my apt and enjoyed the feast along with a great few hours of talking, laughter, and just plain good ol' sister time!

saturday we made it to cafe buna for some brunch then off to the beach! beautiful day! i seriously dig the waves! i could play in them all day!! lol...

that's all for now folks! gotta hit the bike path! ;)



Plain good ol' sister time indeed! Can we do that every weekend? I'd LOVE it! Thank you for a splendid sleepover. Most of all, thanks for loving me and walking through life as my sister...what a blessing!

July 23, 2007 at 8:40 PM  

What a day Laura! Man! I was getting anxious just reading it! Crazy!!!!!

July 28, 2007 at 7:33 AM  

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