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hello friends!!

i've had a bunch of days off after working a bunch in a row.. I planned this so that I could go see my favorite band, 56 Hope Road, play while they were in town. And I've had a great time! little background if you don't know.. the members of 56 went to college with brian, big brother, in illinois. he used to tell me about them all of the time.. i just kinda shrugged my shoulders, like, "ok, cool." then he sent me their cd and i was hooked! i loved 'em. their sound is something funky, acoustic, unique. anyway, i went to one of their shows in minneapolis, almost 3 years ago and met a guy there, mike, who was from decatur, as well, and knew brian and kim. i ended up tagging along with him on a road trip from MN to WI to IL following the band. so fun! I've continued to meet great people through the 56 family.. what a blast its been.

so, they were here last wednesday in santa monica. my friends jamie and sarah went with me. i was so excited to share the band with my friends. i was also really pumped to be seeing them out here.. i was literally squealing at times!! ha! turned out that the venue had amazing acoustics.. i was blown away and wishing brother brian could have been there to hear it, too!!! fun times.

thursday night they played in hermosa beach. i had just friiied myself at the beach that day and felt like crap, but that was not going to stop me from getting my 56 fix! unfortunately, i'd fallen asleep when i got home and woke up at 9ppm so i only made it for their last set! it was fun, though.. had a chance to hang out with them a bit and continued on the tradition of meeting cool people!

when i first got there the band was in between sets on a break so i got to say hi and hang out a bit. met an adorable couple who was on their first date.. seriously cute and a lot of fun! met a few guys from the area, one whose family is from iowa.. dad from davenport! crazy! super nice people with whom i'll likely hang out with again!

last night, neighbor karin had some people over for a celebratory dinner since she started her new job today. amazing food.. and wine, of course! it was great meeting more people.. for a while there were 5 of us.. me- iowa/minnesotan, karin-hawaiian, anya- german, ronnie- englisih, and jo- from new zealand. how fun and eclectic is that?

today i rode my bike down to venice and met them at a bar on the beach... crazy. crazy scenery, crazy people, crazy beautiful ocean. people from everywhere.. a man with his piano, rockin' it on the ped street. a guy with no legs.. lying on a skateboard, on his torso, pushing the board with his arms. yes, welcome to venice, where such things are normal. such an interesting place that i greatly enjoy!

and.... isn't a funny thing how you can totally be caught up in your present life.. where you're at, what you're doing, etc.. when all of the sudden you hear a certain song, or melody, and it snaps you right back into a moment of your past.. like suddenly you're right there, living in that moment again. that happened to me tonight. twice.

music is amazing, really.

that's all folks. this weekend ingrid's going to come up to my neck of the woods for a night out (with new friend from 56 show), sleepover, and a day at the beach on saturday! can't wait!!! we need to log some serious sister time!!!!

peace and love



I shall agree with you wholey that music can have a phenomenal impact on the heart and mind, past or present.

Thanks for the update on life Ms! :-)

July 17, 2007 at 11:41 PM  

Lady, I don't know why it surprises me that you meet and make friends so easily, but seriously you should give a class. Way to make the west coast a real home for yourself!

July 18, 2007 at 7:31 AM  

Sister...I'm so anxious for our sister time this weekend. I wrote in my calendar "sleepover", what am I, 9 or something. ;) Anyway, not only do I anticipate our sisterhood time as good for the soul (that's a given, isn't it?), but I anticipate that it will be good ol' fun! Oh I love you. What a treat to have you live so close! muah!

July 18, 2007 at 5:25 PM  

oh yay!!! i love you all!!!!!

July 18, 2007 at 11:32 PM  

Glad to see that you're having fun your way in CA! Loves the stories and so glad to hear about your new friends.

Any chance you know Anya's last name? A friend of a friend knew a German girl living in CA.....

Miss you!

July 19, 2007 at 1:20 PM  

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