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Grandma M has left us for the heavens.. and though we're all sad to say goodbye and we'll miss her dearly, I think she's probably relieved to be done with the body that was failing her undying spirit. It sounds as though the her departure from Earth was quick and peaceful. She'd recently been able to see all 7 of her children, along with her sister.. and she passed away in the arms of her two eldest children in the home she's lived in for the last 30 years.

So, Grandma Mary.. here's to you! To your gentle and loving soul, to your saint-like, beautiful faith in the Lord. To your dedication and love for Mary; to your seemingly-innocent-but-all-knowing smile! Here's to your clever wit and fantastic sense of humor, your hard-working nature and sincere humility. Here's to your perseverance, your dedication to your father, ten brothers and your little sister. Your commitment to Grandpa and your family.. Here's to that wonderful family the two of you created.. a family that (along with my mom's), means the absolute world to me, and and has given me (and your 20-some other grandchildren) a beautiful sense of identity. Thank you for your constant intercession, your generous spirit, and unconditional love. You will be missed.. we'll "slop" a few in your honor .

Good-bye, Grandma!

All my love, admiration, and gratitude..



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