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Happy Birthday Andrea!!! We celebrated Andrea's birthday last Saturday.. she and I met up for a little lunch at Spoons (fantastic food, as per usual!). Then I went to Target and spent my life savings (jk.. had to stock up though because there are no Targets close to home here). That night we ate out at the restaurant of her choice, Lebanese Taverna.. yum! I've never had anything like it before and it was fantastic! I actually didn't want to part with my food because it was just that good.. so the waitress was kind enough to let it sit in front of me for a little while longer so I could at least appreciate its presence if I couldn't possibly put one more bite in my mouth. :)

Then it was off to Federal Hill.. a few drinks here and there and a little dancing to end the night.. always a fun time!

Sunday was Andrea's actual birthday and Easter! I went to mass at a beautiful little shrine in downtown.. great priest! I will definitely be going there again sometime. Later in the day Mariah had us over for an Easter gathering. It was beautiful! Great appetizers.. Andrea made some crazy tasty brie dip with a blow-dryer, ;) then dinner time rolled around and Mariah covered the table with an amazing spread, beautiful and tasty!

Happy Easter!!!


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