Dig D is coming to town!! That's right, folks! For the first time, ever, my dad, David, will be taking a solo trip to visit his favorite daughter, um, yes his only daughter, in B'more! woooot wooot
What's on the agenda? Well, I've never been to DC and my dad is a huge history buff.. so we'll be taking a day trip on the commuter trains to the Capitol city! Other plans?? See Baltimore, the harbor, eat a bunch of sea food, have some beers on Valentine's day ;), meet the friends, fix some stuff at our house.. the usual!
Also, an update on life as a traveler..
I must admit that when I was back in Minnesota, in the comforts of a city that holds so many people I adore, and only driving distance from the large majority of the rest of my friends and family, I was feeling quite tempted to return home. (St. Paul skyline):)
I'd almost convinced myself that I'd seen other parts of the country and knew where I belonged.. right? did i? but what about saving money? spending a year volunteering? trying life in Oregon? Its all getting fuzzy, those plans. The only thing clear to me was the true peace I felt whilst home in the mid-west, but more confusing, was the fact that the idea of moving back did not leave me feeling peaceful...
I was torn.
ahh, fortunately, for me, not even a week after I returned to Maryland, my dear friend, Kelly-the-boy, with whom I worked in St. Paul for 5 years, was here visiting some friends. Kelly and started as nursing assistants together at United back in the day. We grew to be great friends over the course of the years and I always appreciated the unique perspectives that came along with his friendship and our great conversations! So what a blessing it was to have him here, if even for a short while at a slightly pivotal time! While we were talking about travel nursing, I was reminded that it was quite exciting that I'd actually done it. That I'd picked up and left my entire life and started something new. I had no reason to leave MN, nothing to run from.. which makes it an even bigger (and crazier) blessing that I did it. I realized how blessed I am to be a nurse, to have all of this opportunity.. to have driven across the country with dear Ingrid, to have seen her sweet grandmother again before she left us for the heavens, to have spent time with the CA family and experience life on the beach, and now on the bay.
I also started considering some of the blessings and logistics of my current situation (money, saving it, housing situation, roommate, great friends, other stuff:) , etc). I thought about the fact that moving across the country, again, would involve spending a lot of money and time I just didn't want to spend.. and why? Why did I want to go to Oregon? Well, its beauty is a big draw (I've only seen pictures). The hippie-sort-of-attitude was alluring. The pay would be less.. meh. I try not to base life decisions on money, but that is one of the major reasons I started doing this travel bit. hmm.. I could always pray again for an amazing roommate and housing situation.. but I don't know a soul in the state. And.. suddenly Oregon wasn't sounding so appealing.
Then finally, I returned to my place of work here in B'more after my trip home... and the friendships/relationships that had been starting to form at work with the other nurses were, well, blossoming, really. I noticed how much more fun the second assignment was.. already knowing the people, knowing the routine, understanding how things work. I was much less stressed and found myself actually enjoying my time at work! Kinda reminded me of home.. hmmmm.. So.. there I was.. praying for direction when I finally realized the great contentment and gratitude for the blessings being poured upon me in Baltimore and how life and everything has sort of just fallen into a beautiful place! For what reason should I leave so soon? What's the rush? I've got lots of time, right?! And so.. I stayeth, for now.
I also realized that for most of my life, the little farm house in small-town-eastern-Iowa was the only home I'd ever known, but that my understanding of "home" is changing as I travel through life, years, and states. I had no idea that another place could hold such comfort, safety, and familiarity like St. Paul does, and now parts of California.. and come to think of it, Baltimore is starting to feel that way, too! And so for all of this, for all of you who have helped make these cities so special, so special that they feel like home, I am sincerely and humbly grateful. :)
All my love, from Baltimore! :)
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things i will do; I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
Whoa...dad's coming to town? On Valentine's Day? Could life get any better. Gosh I love him! I'm so excited for his trip and your time together.
Good thoughts on leaving/staying too...as the journey moves forward, I know you're making great choices and trudging through the mud like the rest of us. I'm proud to call you my dearest friend!
Ingrid said...
January 31, 2008 at 9:24 PM