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work was better for me yesterday, despite being mortified by the behavior of one of the full time staff.. oy.. words cannot describe..

my friend, jamie, however, had quite a rough day as it was her turn to float to the ortho floor to which i had floated the day before. so we deemed this reason enough to commence with margaritas and mexican food after work. :D

when we got home i started writing out an e-mail when my body decided sleeping was necessary.. I thus ended up sleeping on the couch for a few hours when suddenly I was woken by something... something strange. at first i thought it had been thunder.. when all of the sudden, it happened again!

"I feel the Earth


under my feet..."

I quickly ran for a doorway remembering a friend's story about their honeymoon in Hawaii during an earthquake and how she stood in the door and watched things jump off the wall! Fortunately for me, that little shift in the earth's plate was all I was to experience last night.

But ever since then, I can't get Carole King's voice out of my head..

"I see the sky tumbling down..."


holy crap...

August 9, 2007 at 9:32 PM quake!

I would FREAK out....maybe I'll you a helmet and padded outfit to wear just in case something like this happens again!

August 13, 2007 at 8:20 AM  

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