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I'm getting a little lax on blogging, aren't I? Work has been draining.. emotionally, physically.. all those -ally's but the respite on the weekends has been fun and I'm grateful to have had time off to attend the gatherings :) Here are a few shots:

clearly having fun in b'more.. celebrating birthdays (sarah and berny).

All is well, with struggles here and there, moments of complete humility along with words of affirmation have filled the past few weeks with a lot of emotion... which I can't help but imagine is being inflated the lingering idea of another move quickly approaching. I'm at Hopkins until mid-july at which point I'll say good-bye (party on the roof-deck) and head south to start at NIH. I'm nervous, excited, reluctant, and anxious to start, all at the same time. NIH will be completely different than any place I've yet worked. The unknown can be so daunting.. although, it seems that each place I've been, thus far, has been a complete new and different experience, as well. So.. cheers, eh? Here's to the travel gig, to saying goodbye to home in b'more and figuring out what life in DC will mean for Laura. I'm sure there will be some fun stories.

Oh.. here's a fun, random story. iPod ear phones.. so hard to keep them in your ears, especially while running.. those buggers just weren't designed to stay in. After complaining about this to my audiologist friends (I was seriously wondering if my ears were different than the rest of the world), Mariah offered to mold my ears and make plug-attachments for my ipod headphones!! I had no idea this was an option but I was very excited to do it! So Mariah and Andrea came over after work one night..
"The Consultation"

This is Mariah putting the goop in my ears that would soon reveal my very curvy ear canals and be sent off for molding.

And then what better way to celebrate ear molds than to flip for free drinks at Flip night? :)

Its been crazy hearing about the flooding in eastern Iowa :( Thanks to those of you who've been checkin' in and praying for those who are being affected by the floods. Cedar Rapids has been hit the hardest (my hometown is about an hour southeast) I have a handful of aunts, uncles, and cousins who live there- it sounds as if they are ok and safe at this point.. just having to find creative ways to get around. Wind storms have hit my parents' farm and knocked a few buildings and trees over. Dad said he felt the posters of their bed shake against the wall last night.. but somehow that 100+ year-old farm house is still standing! Amazing!! Fortunately for my father's crop, he just had his fields re-tiled last fall so the water is being directed underground and not allowed to just sit on the topsoil.

Mom is currently here visiting and we've been running all over having a great time. Last night we grilled out with the girlfriends and had dinner and sangria on the roofdeck- so much fun! I am a big fan roof-decking! Today we got massages, had lunch and took off for DC. I showed her the house where I'll be living on the outskirts of town then we rode the Metro to downtown and took a nighttime bike tour of the National Mall. The weather was absolutely perfect and the city is incredible.. all the history, monuments, memorials! Its my first time seeing the city! I can't wait to live close by and start exploring!

On a somber note, please keep Nolan (my friend, Ingrid's nephew who has a stage 4 sarcoma) in your prayers.. along with his family. And while you're at it, would you mind tossing out a prayer for a recent patient we had with an aggressive, painful, terminal cancer (just a few years younger than myself). bah.. cancer.. there is nothing fair about it.. we can only hope and pray for their strength, our grace and moments of peace while dealing with such a horrible disease.

I hope everyone is well.. I miss you all! I will be doing the usual "tour de mid-west" (Twin Cities-Des Moines-DeWitt) this fall while I'm home for the wedding of my dear Audrey and hopefully catching a little harvest-time on the farm. Oh.. sorry for not warning you about my my e-mail change. No excuse, just hate being the person who sends that e-mail out every two years. :) please let me know if you need it! Blessings!

All my love,



Oh my sister, how I love you! You are simply the best. Great blog, so much info, so good. I think it's funny that in one pic with Mariah, it looks like you're covered by a towel, the next you're wearing a issues?! ;)
Jeanne R always talks about the ipod phones too, it's not just you, promise...jeanne, inga, jim berson...darn ipod phones, they're not good.

And thank you soooooo much for the Nolan shout out, it is VERY appreciated. Love you so, my dearest sister!

June 15, 2008 at 8:37 PM  

haha!!!! i just saw this!! i guess i forgot to tell my blog that I changed my e-mail address, too!!! ;) annnd.. just for the record, my inga... i had the scarf on in both photos, as well as the blanket!!! look closer! ;) love you!!!

June 18, 2008 at 7:08 PM  

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