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Ok... things have progressed in the decision making process, as you can see, I'll be heading East.

**addendum: :) in case you're wondering why I chose Baltimore over all the other places, i thought I might write a bit of a clarification! At first I was extremely intimidated by the thought of working at this major hospital... but the more I spoke with other hospitals and I pondered the way this place did things, I really gained an appreciation for their unique way of running their oncology units. i will only have 2-3 patients and will be doing "primary nursing care." This means that I'll do everything for the patient, bathe them, walk them, turn them, etc.. along with all the other nursing tasks (assessments, medication administration, symptom management, education, etc) that I'm used to doing.

I've never worked anywhere that didn't have nursing assistants so this will be completely new for me, though I think it will be an amazing opportunity to be fully focused on my patients and really in-tune as to what's going on with each patient. Having a few years of nursing assistant experience under my belt will be extremely helpful.. PLUS I actually enjoyed my job better as an assistant because I felt like I actually spent more time with the patients. I'm praying that this new way of doing things will be a blessed opportunity for professional growth because either way its broadening my understanding of nursing.

Believe it or not, i'm starting to feel called to be away from the bedside.. NEVER thought I'd say that! when I was resource nurse the other day, i began to realize how much i love to teach people and be active in all that's going on on the floor (maybe that just means i'd be a good charge nurse? ha!). i did, however, start tossing around the idea of furthering my nursing education (seriously, me??? who knew?) and becoming a clinical nurse specialist in oncology. who knows!? part of me woud just relish in spending time studying cancer, cancer treatments and nursing involovement in that process. who knows what lies ahead but i figured what better place to gear up for learning more than the number 1 hospital in the nation? i'm already starting to go back to my oncology books and read more. its so easy to get caught up in what's happening at work that by the time you get home you want nothing to do with nursing! So... who knows what God's doing with all of this??? I'm excited to find out!

Ok, here's the game plan for those of you who are into details! ;-)

Fortunately I have a few days off! So I plan to get most of my packing done in the next few days!

I work a few days then head to San Diego
Mom and Dad are flying in on the 22nd for Dad's work
Hang out in SD until the 24th
Mom, Dad, Laura drive back up to MDR
We hang out :)
Mom and Dad fly out in the am of the 27th
I work the 27-30
Say good bye to So Cal and fly to MSP the 31
go to a wedding and hang in the TC's for a week
drive to De Witt and put in some quality IA time
Fly to Baltimore sometime during the week of the 10th
Start work on the 17th!
Fly back to MSP for sisters/CSP Homecoming weekend.
Back to Baltimore on the 23rd.

Wow... I'm excited, nervous and of course praying and trusting that the Lord will continue to guide and bless this journey.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure.. your love, prayers, support, and encouragement are glimpses of Christ in every day life!!! What a blessing! :)

I love you all dearly...



oh first I was really excited that you were getting to have another adventure. Then as i looked at your schedule I started to think that you wouldn't be in MSP for the sister's weekend! And then I actually said "YAY" outloud when I saw that you would! :)

Congratulations!!! I've never been to may have a visitor! : )

August 16, 2007 at 7:54 AM  

I get to see you in September twice!!!
and I totally second the visiting comment!

wowzers...your life moves FAST!

August 16, 2007 at 9:24 AM  

Laura... working at Johns Hopkins is going to be an amazing experience. And I love the nursing theory... that's the one thing I want to do when I become a nurse is do everything for just a few people... I am SO PROUD of you and really excited to hear about your stories from Baltimore.

Keep us updated, Love!

Any chance I'm going to get to buy you a glass of wine when you're home??

August 16, 2007 at 2:07 PM  

Congrats on the new plans =)

August 31, 2007 at 10:32 PM  

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