"Live from the other side
things are pretty groovy and the tide is high
catch a rhythm and enjoy the ride
baby take it easy." -Don McCloskey
Hey folks! So.... Denver was good. :) It was great actually, and now I'm back here on the west coast, enjoying the lovely Pacific breeze, beach, and sun, and waiting to find out what happens next! This isn't necessarily where I hoped or expected I'd be 4 months ago, and though it gets a little thick when wading through the mud in the journey of life.. life is still.. well, good. The road has taken some unexpected turns but God continues to put stellar people in my life who have not just walked with, carried, and guided me along the way, they have taken me on adventures and loved me like they'd known me for years! I have been blessed and I couldn't be more thankful!!
My job is also not what I expected, but good. Turns out I'm basically taking a break from nursing- mentally, emotionally, and physically. I knew I'd be working in an outpatient oncology setting, but I didn't realize how few responsibilities I'd have. I start IV's in the morning for CAT scans and see patients with the surgeons in the afternoons. And by seeing patients, I mean literally, just seeing. I work with a group of oncology surgeons and one other nurse. Her and I accompany the male docs in the room while seeing patients and assist the females with anything they need. There are two doctors for whom I am the primary nurse during their clinic and though they are very different, they are both absolutely fantastic.
(On a side but important note.. while you're lifting up your prayers today, please include my friend, Becca, who has diagnosed with breast cancer, as she is currently going through chemo.. not to mention everything else that comes along with the diagnosis)
The other element of work that I love is the other nurses- just great people! There is a group of us, all around the same age that gets a long really well. Most of us are travelers, so we do a lot together.
I've also found a great Catholic church in Santa Monica that has a hugely active young adults ministry. I went on a spiritual retreat with them to this beautiful retreat center nestled in the mountains of Malibu that overlooked the ocean, hills and no-doubt some famous peoples' homes. ;) The timing couldn't have been more appropriate for me in being surrounded by the very things that remind me of God's presence in the world, nature and relationships.
Just last weekend, my friend Lindsey flew in to visit!!! She was here from MN last weekend and we had ourselves "a good ol' time (quote Gladys).. breakfast on the beach, unexpected shopping spree, trip to the national park in the santa monica mountains, bbq with friends in backyard, music on the promenade and just a lot of time to hang out. And to top things off, my dearest Gruber will be here next weekend!!!! What a blessing to have some of my closest friends be also close in proximity!!
So.. that's life now! Amongst all of these blessings and gifts, I face a bit of daunting challenge that I don't know where I belong in this country (and/if/or internationally). In a strange and unfamiliar way, the future is unclear as though there are thousands of roads to take and no clear sign or reason to go down any of them. I've learned and accomplished more than I had hoped to as a travel nurse, and feel ready to be done with this transient life. I am putting my feelers (resumes) out in many realms of work and volunteer, while being open to whatever God might have in store. Your prayers and support have been and are always greatly appreciated.....
A big thanks to all of you whom I got to see while back in MN for Jill D's wedding!! Though I have been so blessed with great friends out here and in every state in which I've lived during this travel gig, there's something so indescribably comforting about friends from home. I love you all so much... and miss the days of seeing you frequently! I hope and pray that one day I will be back in the Twin Cities (or close by) for good!!!
Much love and many thanks,
a prayer by Thomas Merton:
My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I can not know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself.
And the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope that I will have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this, you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always, though I may seem to be lost
and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear
for you are ever with me and will never lead me to face my perils alone