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The adventure of DC begins!!

Leaving Baltimore and the 45-minute drive, though obviously short, was emotional. I told a friend last night that it was as though all the emotions I'd experienced during my mini-life in B'more came came rushing back.. a purging of the heart, you might say. Fortunately for me (and my heart), I was able to talk to one of my best friends, Ingrid, on the phone for the last half of the drive and share many of the emotions I was experiencing with her. A blessing, indeed!

I got to the new house around 5pm. Three other people are living here but they are all out of town, so it was just me and my music as I put all of my clothes and temporary-living-belongings away. By 10pm I had finished unpacking and organizing and had done two loads of laundry. By that time I was pretty hungry so I made some dinner with the veges from my last "farmers' market with the girls," had a glass of wine, spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on the TV, the sound, and whatever kind of crazy cable thing we have... then not surprisingly, crashed on the couch and later made it to my bed.

My bed.. a whole new subject. The bedroom is furnished, which is a blessing, but the mattress is either 50 years old or the cheapest one a person could buy 20 years ago. :) I see plywood and egg-crates in my near-future. ;) The dresser, though seemingly old and sturdy, is a piece.... seriously, this thing is practically non-functioning. None of the drawers open as they should and 3 of the 4 require slamming to be shut. Luckily, my closet is wide and I have organization inserts so I was able to put all of my clothes in the closet (save the "personals" which are in the 1 drawer you don't have to slam). hee

Well, sigh.. here I am, continuing on with this odd but exciting experience of moving to different cities and starting over. I must say, though sad to leave some great people behind in Baltimore, my heart feels light, like starting over should. I also can't wait to have Jake (one of my bests from MN) living in the neighborhood!! There's nothing like having a little piece of home keep you company in foreign land.

Oh!! But before I really start life in DC, I've been blessed with an extra week off (but cursed with it not being paid). Nonetheless, I'm taking this opportunity to fly home to the Quad Cities, make a trip to Des Moines to see my girlfriends and their families, then a trip to Bean Town (Decatur, IL) where big brother and his family live. While I'm there, I'll also get to celebrate my friend Scotty's b-day, see my cousins, annnnd we'll all get to go out and see our favorite band, 56 Hope Road! I used to make these kinds of roads trips all of the time (well, a few times a year) to see fam, friends, and band, but its now been over a year since a trip like this and it couldn't come at a better time. My heart needs a little home, a little love and little time with old friends.

Baltimore, I thank you..

DC, I can't wait to know you..

Home, I will soon be with you!

Much love from the lands of transition,

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